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(1 edit)

This game is insanely good- I wish it was longer but thats not going to stop me from replaying. Do you think you will ever put it on steam? I can totally see this on steamdeck imo (Played it for my YT- going to send it to all my pals cause im obsessed with the art style, humor and just everything)


dude this game is seriously AMAZING and i gotta say i loved the soundtrack i really wish it was longer does anyone have a recommendation for games like this? 

(2 edits) (+1)

i’m just one of the devs and the others will have their own answers but i can say a few of the games that inspired me most when making london jerry, none of which are entirely like london jerry:

  • death stranding
  • FTL: faster than light
  • pathologic 2
  • space warlord organ trading simulator
  • king of dragon pass
  • cart life
  • persona 3
  • tokimeki memorial
  • diaries of a spaceport janitor

death stranding and FTL especially were top of mind for me while i was working on this. also found myself thinking a lot about a game called “Tradewinds” that came preinstalled on a palm pilot i got from my uncle after he didn’t want it anymore in 2005. also backpack hero, disco elysium and luck be a landlord


so much sauce and style. its like a veggie breakfast sausage covered in gravy. i love it


love this game


I’M SOBBING… they just wanted their child to be safe… Their horrible, toilet-melting, cargo-hold destroying child…

This was a delight to play! I really like how the need for fuel and brain juice adds extra tension to your constantly decreasing credits account. I was able to keep London Jerry’s brain wet in both playthroughs 👍


congratulations on your consistently moisturized brain!!!


Is it only one round? My friend played it at Glitch City told me to DL it but I wish it was longer! Incredible writing and art and everything came together so well

glad you liked it!! we made 90% of it in about 72 hours so yes it’s pretty short for now. do not worry though the game of the year edition + Lunar New Year DLC pack is already in development, it will add up to 7 minutes of additional gameplay and it will cost $69 dollars

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gives me an error on Linux (installed via itch app):

Unhandled exception. System.FormatException: The input string '0.25' was not in a correct format.
   at System.Number.ThrowOverflowOrFormatException(ParsingStatus, ReadOnlySpan`1, TypeCode )
   at System.Number.ParseSingle(ReadOnlySpan`1, NumberStyles, NumberFormatInfo)
   at System.Single.Parse(String)
   at System.Convert.ToSingle(String)
   at LD54.Data.PackageData.Initialize(String) in /home/cosmonaut/programming/LD54/LD54/Data/PackageData.cs:line 97
   at LD54.LD54.LoadContent() in /home/cosmonaut/programming/LD54/LD54/LD54.cs:line 151
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Initialize() in /home/cosmonaut/programming/LD54/FNA/src/Game.cs:line 655
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoInitialize() in /home/cosmonaut/programming/LD54/FNA/src/Game.cs:line 776
   at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run() in /home/cosmonaut/programming/LD54/FNA/src/Game.cs:line 408
   at LD54.LD54.Main() in /home/cosmonaut/programming/LD54/LD54/LD54.cs:line 81
[1]    149947 IOT instruction (core dumped)  ./LondonJerry
(1 edit) (+2)

incredible bug: it’s actually not because you’re on linux, i assume you’re from somewhere that uses the decimal comma? this is a bonkers .NET internationalization gotcha that we fell into accidentally, we’ll fix it soon. sorry!


yay! (─‿─) ran it like this:

LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 ./LondonJerry

(my system default is ru_RU.UTF-8, no idea why it’s a comma)

yay!! glad you got it working ^^ hope you enjoy!!

(1 edit) (+1)

lmao seeing you fix Linux (sorta) bugs in the comments pushed me over from 'this looks cool' to 'lets actually try it'

Just uploaded a patch that should for real fix this. Thanks for the report!


Oooh, is this London Jerry, the Definitive Edition?!


this is our Improved Jerry and it is better than the first time you may have seen it at Glitch City last month!